Membership Requirements
Alpha Delta Chi Sisters nationwide adhere to the same thirteen membership requirements. These requirements are designed to compliment the aims and purposes of Alpha Delta Chi by strengthening our sisterhood spiritually, socially, and scholastically.
Upon acceptance of a bid Sisters commit to following these thirteen membership requirements. They are:
Personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Enrollment in a university where a chapter of the National Fraternity has been chartered by the National Board.
Active participation in Christian service.
Regular attendance or membership in an evangelical church or other church approved by the National Board.
Interest in leading others to Christ.
Willingness to avoid situations which would cause one's Sister or brother to stumble.
Willingness to abstain from sexual relations until marriage.
Willingness to abstain from smoking and illegal use of drugs.
Willingness to abstain from alcohol in circumstances where the Christian witness would be adversely affected.
A scholarship rating of at least a "C" or its equivalent maintained in all university work.
Passage of annual examinations on the National Constitution, II Corinthians 3, and the Active chapter's bylaws.
Procurement of a membership pin.
Payment upon graduation or leaving the university, of an amount specified by the chapter to the chapter scholarship and housing fund(s).